Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Day 17 - Great day! I love those:)

Checking in.....
Today's workout was still difficult, but it wasn't as bad as when I first started Level 2.  I don't think that my body temperature has ever felt this hot while exercising.  Jillian is crazy, but good.  The little things she says throughout the video are encouraging.  At one point she says that if you want to see change then you have to give it your all.  She's right.  It is often so tempting to just go through the motions at 30%.  The only problem with that is that you are only cheating yourself.  I guess we'll see how I've been doing when it comes up time for my weekly measurements.
In addition to working out to Jillian, I went for a nice long walk in the forest for about 2 hrs.  It came in handy because I had some Kimchi (fermented spicy cabbage) and Tofu soup and Bimimbap (has veggies, egg, rice and a meat/seafood - I had beef) for an early dinner.  Fortunately, I split it with a friend because it was very filling, so we took our time eating it.  Overall I'd have to say that it is pretty healthy.  I love Korean food.  It is so delicious!  We decided to avoid the Korean BBQ, which is mouthwatering, but not necessarily as healthy.  I did cheat and have a cinnabon for dessert later on, but I was proud of myself for opting for the mini one instead of the big cinnabon, which is what I would previously have done.  So that is definitely something!
I've been buying those 100 calories bags of Smartfood popcorn in order to cut my chip/junk food cravings.  The small bags and the limited amount of calories has helped me combat my usual need to consume a big bag of chips.  I realize more and more that if this is going to be a lifestyle change I need to come up with ways to avoid relapsing into binge eating big bags of chips.  I think that this may be a way.  It is funny how they keep talking about moderation, but it is the exercising control part, at least for me, that, I think, will lead to moderation.

1 comment:

  1. The Korean food looks great and so healthy!

    Really good idea to buy bags of things in smaller weights - the temptation is less if it's not there and you get accustomed to a smaller serve and it becomes normal.

    Keep up the really good work!
