Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Excuses, excuses, excuses!

Pic from visualpanic
So last week I said that I was going to try to go to the gym, but I failed miserably. Sure I went at the beginning of the week, Sunday and Monday, but I didn't manage to drag myself there any of the other days of the week. I did go for a walk by the lake with a friend and chilled out outside while enjoying all the sunshine and hot weather that we got, but I didn't really do any real exercise or weight training. Why?

A mixture of laziness and exhaustion. I tried setting my alarm for earlier than I had to wake up to go to work, but I just turned it off and went
back to sleep because I was still tired. I think the first day I left my gym bag at home and when I got home I didn't feel like leaving the house. The next day I went out with a friend instead of going to workout and did the same the following evening. The following two days, I just admitted to myself that it wasn't going to happen and fell asleep on the couch soon after I came home. So that's the truth. I still ate fairly well - with the exception of a couple slices of pizza, two caramel macchiatos and some sweet chili rice cake snacks (the last of which I had today after going to grocery shopping when I should have been eating lunch). That and my lack of sufficient exercise might explain the fact that I didn't really make any real headway this past week, but I did maintain and I must say that I did enjoy myself.
Pic from neloqua
I love sunshine and I love spending time with a good friend. So that is something.

Goals for the month of June:
  1. Go outside and enjoy more walks/runs outside (ideally by the lake) instead of just indoors at the gym.
  2. Find some great healthy and delicious easy to make recipes that I can add to my menu. I'd started getting kind of bored with my present menu (some healthy, but tasty snacks would be nice). Suggestions/recommendations are always welcome:)
  3. Make it to the gym three times a week, no matter what shift I am working.


  1. Stopping by from Healthy You!

    You know... for a long time I beat myself up about getting back on plan, getting back to working out. My friend Em (skinnyemmie.com) said something that stuck with me... "It won't happen unless you're ready for it to happen. So if you're not ready, don't force it. When you're ready, you'll do it." Em just hit a 60 lb loss over the weekend- girl is rockin' it!

    i know I am not the kind of person that can guilt myself into doing something. I have to want it. And then once I wanted it, you couldn't keep me from it.

  2. Those sound like great goals. Keep making healthy choices!

  3. Sometimes we just need to take a break - sometimes taking that break will put us in the right mindset to start again with renewed energy. I'm glad you're not beating yourself up over it. Your June goals sound great! :)
